👋 Justas


Nimblefox is an art tool I worked on full time between 2019-02-xx - 2019-07-xx.

Functionality is best explained with a video:

Shown: The Linear Perspective tool

The tool was designed to sit between the input device and the host program, making it able to work with most drawing apps:

Shown: nimblefox running on azpainter Shown: nimblefox running on aseprite

The tool had a small variety of "constraints". Here are some:

Shown: The Ellipse tool Shown: The Bezier tool

The tool had the ability to completely manipulate what the input device was reporting to the host program, which allowed for smoothing to be implemented:

Shown: The Weighted Average Smoothing setting

To meet design requirements, a custom immediate-mode UI was used.

Made by Justas